New Showroom Grand Opening!
New Showroom Grand Opening! On Thursday, June 29th 2017 we opened a new showroom in Germany! Come and visit us in Feldstraße 14, 64331 darmstadt, Germany. We'll be glad to show you our new machines. Here you are some pictures of the Grand Opening
HERO & Go Eleven in Misano
HERO and Go Eleven: a day in Misano! HERO and Go Eleven: a race weekend in Misano! It has been a wonderful day at Misano "Marco Simoncelli World Circuit" on June, 18th 2017, the public and fans (68154 visitors) gave us great emotions, and Go Eleven has paid off their...
European Coatings Show 2017
We have been present in Nuremberg at the European Coatings show from April 4th to 6th, 2017, one of the most important international exhibitions dedicated to all manufacturers of adhesives, paints and coatings. Here you are the pictures of our booth!
HERO – make innovation
For the 50 years of Hero history, the new brand "HERO - Make Innovation" is born. A new coordinated image and a new communication system reflecting our desire to renew and in the meantime enhance our story. A new image to project to the future....
Go Eleven!
For 2017 we decide to sponsor the GO ELEVEN team in the Superbike championship! The Go Eleven team has reached an important milestone in its sportive growth, and, also thanks to HERO, in 2017 participates in the Superbike world championship with the driver Roman Ramos.